Stung Eye
Stung Eye

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The much hyped book, The Rule of Four, centres on a 15th-century manuscript, The Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. Although the book is a work of fiction, the manuscript truly exists.

"The action of the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili takes place in a dream. The books opens on the hero, Poliphilo, who has spent a restless night because his beloved, Polia, has shunned him. At the break of day, he finally falls into a deep slumber and his 'Hypnerotomachia,' or, as it can be roughly translated, 'struggle for love in a dream,' begins."

The above quote was taken from this e-book, which explores the mysterious manuscript.

A scanned copy of the HP is also available.


I want to learn Latin. Previously, I posted a link to TextKit, an online source for free Ancient Greek and Latin e-books. Since then, I have discovered the following:

I plan to travel with Wheelock's Latin, along with Grote's study guide and the Lingua Latina.


Download true random numbers generated using a quantum random number generator upon demand.

Icon Semiotics: A Common Visual Representation.

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- Video Lectures by Hal Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman. (Related: E-Textbook for this course.)

The sixteen first rules of fiction.

Alternative Handwriting and Shorthand Systems. (Related: Handywrite)

GAlib - A C++ Library of Genetic Algorithm Components.

Numerical Recipes in C - An online version of this must-have programming guide.



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