Stung Eye
Stung Eye

« [Apr 20] Notes on Baudrillard - Part 2
H Two Oh?

Steal This Poem [May 14] »

The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America was launched in March of 2005 by the former Martin Liberal government, who played a lead role in creating the SPP, also called deep integration. The SPP is a trilateral initiative to fast-track the integration of Canada and Mexico with the United States. The SPP is now being pushed more aggressively by the Harper Conservative government. [NDP Press Release]

Could this be the beginning of a push to “unite” Canada, Mexico, and the USA in a North American Union modelled on the European Union? Please… say it ain’t so.

Closely related:

The North American Future 2025 Project, an initiative being led by the U.S.-based Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Conference Board of Canada and the Mexican Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas, calls for a series of “closed-door meetings” on North American integration with government officials dealing with a number of highly contentious issues including bulk water exports, a joint security perimeter, and a continental resource pact. [NDP Press Release]

(emphasis mine)

The [North American Future 2025 Project] outline notes that fresh water is running out in many regions of the world, particularly the U.S. and Mexico.

By contrast, it notes, Canada possesses about 20 per cent of the Earths fresh water.

It goes on to say Canada, the U.S. and Mexico need to discuss solutions such as bilateral agreements on water transfers and the diversion of water.

The outline notes the overriding future goal of North America is to achieve joint optimum utilization of the available water. [Nation Post]

Just something to think about.

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