Stung Eye
Stung Eye

« [Feb 2] Twinkle
Left behind

Controller Controller [Feb 9] »

In early 2003 I mined my record collection for samples to create the following musical-collage:

Wally Glutton - Things to come

I later made some changes to this track to produce:

Wally Glutton - Incremental Changes - Etc Mix

I’m not sure the changes improved the track. Actually, many of the voice samples are less intelligible on the this version.

The second version highlights the music of fellow Winnipegger Equanim. His album Instrumental Language is available online care of Balanced Records.


Last Friday I sent the following via email to some friends, as well as to ask.metafilter:

According to Leibniz, a theory must be simpler than the data it explains. In other words (for the nerds amongst us), understanding equals compression.

I challenge you to help me understand this via a thought-experiment:

Let’s take two experiences we are all familiar with: Pleasure and Pain.

Explain the difference between these two experiences.

There is (of course) no “correct” answer; however, I ask that you attempt to use as few words as possible to explain your answer.

If you’d like to add to the debate, hit me up with a comment. I’ll be compiling the responses this weekend.

It’s interesting to note that the question was removed from ask.metafilter for being too meta.


Via Uncle Ken in T-Dot:

  • Motorist throws food out of window.
  • Courier, disliking littering, picks up food and throws food back in car.
  • Motorist dumps coffee on courier.
  • Courier scratches car with key.
  • Road rage ensues.


And finally, from the stungeye archives: My Winnipeg, Against the Reality.

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