Stung Eye
Stung Eye

« [Nov 23] Reabsorption
Losing Ground

Have you forgotten what we are? [Dec 16] »

Shannon and I both found jobs, (with our ex-employers none the less). Until the new year we are living on the 3rd floor of my parent’s house. Soon, the old routines will be new again.


I recently watched the movie Primer. As described by Kottke, this movie is very indie, was made for around $7000 USD, and will (only?) appeal to nerds, engineers (aka nerds), and philosophers (aka nerds).

The movie deals with time-travel, and due to the branching time-lines explored, and the resultant paradoxes, it was a challenge to follow. Luckily the ‘net comes to the rescue:


The idea of building a time machine in your garage might seem far-fetched, but what about building a brainwave analyser? An EEG can be used to experiment with biofeedback, or potentially to control digital/electronic equipment with your mind.


With a 9-5 looming, I’ll have to follow Steve Pavlina time management advice if I wish to build an EEG in my spare time. His advice seems well tested: he graduated with two degrees in only three semesters, (holding a full-time job in the final semester).


During my brief job hunt I restructured my CV as a webpage using XHTML and CSS. I then attempted to replicate the design in Word for dead-tree printing. After ten minutes of Word-Wrestling, I returned to my XHTML version and created a printer friend stylesheet.



An orange HB pencil lounges on the desk near my monitor. [5 minutes elapse as I contemplate the pencil and its relation to the keyboard beneath my fingers: similar in function, foreign in form.]

Related: Pencil Revolution.


Philosophical & Religious findings:


Nearly three years ago, I linked to some images of fractals found in plants from the cabbage family. More recently, I stumbled across an essay on fractal food, Self-Similarity on the Supermarket Shelf.

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