Stung Eye
Stung Eye

« [Sep 27] The Way
Flip the switch

Chill Bill [Oct 2] »

Shannon’s makeup bag was stolen during our overnight bus trip from Koh Samui to Bangkok. Silly thieves, used makeup is for losers.

Yesterday I felt homesick, or maybe just Amsterdam-sick; possibly, I was just craving stability, and angry at the makeup snatchers. The feeling has passed, pushed away by thoughts of our next adventure, and the knowledge that we will be back in Canada in one month. (Have we really been gone for one year?)

Tonight we board our night train to Laos.

p.s. Last night we witnessed our first monsoon rainstorm. It was short but intense. The streets flooded. We wore ponchos and splashed our way to dinner.

p.s.s. For those who haven’t heard, my friend Jeff proposed to his long time gf Maureen. She said yes. In similar life-changing news, my friend Matt and his wife Casie are expecting a baby. Congrats all around!

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