Stung Eye
Stung Eye

« [Jun 12] Little Indiscretions

All in the family [Jun 24] »

We are borg, and we love it. Seriously, when do we get NetMindLinks?



Hijab (in various levels of 'modesty') influences the dress of many women in our neighborhood. HeadScarves are worn by a majority of the check-out girls at the SupperMarket across the street. You wouldn't know it living in my 'hood, but tension is rising between the Dutch and their immigrant Muslim population.

Activists within the Amsterdam gay community have begun to blame Muslim immigrants for the rising number of attacks on gay couples. Others see Islam as a threat to so-called 'Dutch Tolerance'.

Meanwhile, many Dutch are being less than tolerant towards Islam.

The Dutch-Muslim Culture War
Seven months ago, Hirsi Ali's implacable campaign against what she views as Islam's oppression of women prompted a Muslim fanatic to ritually slaughter Theo van Gogh, her Dutch collaborator on the film Submission. The murderer used his knife to affix a five-page letter to the corpse promising the same treatment for Hirsi Ali and another Dutch politician who has criticized Islam. The murder sent Dutch society into paroxysms of rage and fear, sparking dozens of attacks on mosques and schools.



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