Stung Eye
Stung Eye

« [Mar 25] Wheel of fortune
I am given

2^10 = nerd [Apr 8] »

My father's favourite poet, Robert Creeley, has passed away.

The words are a beautiful music. The words bounce like in water.

Water music,
loud in the clearing

off the boats,
birds, leaves.

They look for a place
to sit and eat--

no meaning,
no point.

-Robert Creeley

A collection of Creeley links from wood s lot.

I'm given to write poems. I cannot anticipate their occasion. I have used all the intelligence that I can muster to follow the possibilities that the poem "under hand," as Olson would say, is declaring, but I cannot anticipate the necessary conclusions of the activity, nor can I judge in any sense, in moments of writing, the significance of that writing more than to recognize that it is being permitted to continue. I'm trying to say that, in writing, at least as I have experienced it, one is in the activity, and that fact itself is what I feel so deeply the significance of anything that we call poetry.

- From, "I am given to write poems," a lecture delivered in Berlin, 1967 [source]

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