Stung Eye
Stung Eye

« [Oct 11] No place like home?
Southward Bound

Easy Go [Oct 19] »

We found the bus terminal today, and bought two tickets for Valencia. We leave on Saturday, at 14:30.

We also visited the Barcelona Aquarium. The sharks and penguins were our favourite aquatic beasts.

Shannon has been a little under the weather. Last night, she awoke to chills, and then a fever. To make matters worse, the man next to us was snoring, loudly. I reached for the earplugs.

I managed to purchase a bottle of cough syrup for Shannon.

The conversation:

Me: Habla Inglés?

Pharmacist: No.

Me: Me pone, algo para el catarro, por favor?

Pharmacist: [Points to her throat]

Me: [Nod]

Props to Erin, for giving us our European phrasebook.

Yesterday, we explored Park Guell [google images], and La Sagrada Familia [google images], two amazing Gaudi creations.

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