Stung Eye
Stung Eye

« [Feb 27] The fate of drums (Deeper Well)
The Ablest

Tea [Mar 3] »

I have decided that it is about time I learned how to moonwalk. This should take me a month or so to master.

Professional sand sculpting.

Keygrip - "My goal with the Key Grip system is to collapse the process, equipment, and software [required for live broadcast] into a sleek enough package to allow for a 'one man show' to cover a live event on video."


For the (aspiring) writers in the house, 3 online books by English and Applied Linguistics professor John Broderick:

  • The Able Writer - A Rhetoric and Handbook

  • Modern English Linguistics - A Structural and Transformational Grammar

  • English Grammar - Patterns and Choices

    Also found via wood s lot:

  • The paintings of Victor Hugo

  • Gentium - "[A] free multilingual font to bring better typography to thousands of languages around the globe."

    Found elsewhere (aka via djmose):

    We love you: Free Hi-Res cards to print from youyesyou.



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