Stung Eye
Stung Eye

« [Dec 4] Woodland Caribou
Pick Up Sticks

Waving Snowmen, (melt quickly) [Dec 8] »

Song of the weak: Jack Johnson - Holes To Heaven [offline]

Some news from the blogsphere: Both Dublog and Iconomy are back. Two great sources for artistic inspiration. Explore.

Some Links (Found here and there):

  • From Darkness - "The people that I portray in this series have been sitting alone by themselves in total darkness and haven't been aware of when the picture will be taken and the flash would lighten up their face."

  • Mastering A Record

  • Michael Jackson at the age of 45 (minus the plastic surgery.)

  • Unsolved homicides from my home town.

  • The Meatrix.

    The weekend has arrived. Where's your head at? 48 hours off from the world, plus tonight. The weekend mission: Think of your favorite word. Ban this word from your vocabulary for the next 3 days.



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