Stung Eye
Stung Eye

« [Nov 14] A Flash In The Pan
Teddy Bear's Picnic

Lost? [Nov 16] »

I get wrapped up in details. I find that this slows down my learning process. To combat this, I've decided to post all of my flash and music "sketches" here. A form of educational closure. Otherwise I could probably continue tweaking each experiment forever, instead of moving on and learning more.

Today's flash experiment is a trip to a small city park. I spent many hours playing within what I believed to be a massive forest. Looking back, I must either have been really small or had a great imagination. (I guess it was a combination of the two)

A 360 Degree View Of A Shrunken Forest - Had this not been a "sketch", I probably would have spent hours trying to seamlessly stitch the photos together.


The beer has recovered. The new yeast is busy converting sugar into goodness:



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