Stung Eye
Stung Eye

« [Nov 18] Can you imagine that?
Mad Hatter

Past [Nov 21] »


Looking around, you may notice that a small degree of house keeping has been carried out; cobwebs swept down from the angles; dust moved with pan to bin; navigational cues rearranged. I do believe that we are now due for a paint job. I need only pick out the colour swatch. (If anything appears to be broken, please let me know via a comment or an email.)

For the Winnipegers:

Hot Hot Heat, Metric and The Unicorns are playing the Pyramid on Tuesday November 25th. Indie-pop/rock heaven.

From the ChartAttack Winnipeg buzz: "On a sadder note, Times Change(d) High and Lonesome Club seems to be in a spot of trouble. In one of his semi-regular email newsletters sent out earlier this week, the local venue's President and Janitor John Scoles expressed discontent over tightened regulations handed down from the province's Liquor Control Commission, coupled with an unhappy landlord who is threatening to allow the sports bar next door to expand into Scoles' space." From info here.

In other news: David Lynch wants to bring the world peace, through meditation.



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