Stung Eye
Stung Eye

« [Apr 21] Musical Connections
Voltage Controlled Oscillator

Lucky What? [Apr 27] »

The Buck 65 show last Wednesday was a mental breath of fresh air. Not only was Buck on top of his game, but our locals boys, DJ CO-OP, Yy, and the Gumshoe Strut filled the Pyramid with creative energy. I haven't danced that much in ages.

Robert Pirsig's Zen And The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is a literary chautauqua, a novel that is meant to both entertain and edify. An investigation into the concept of quality, Zen Buddhism, science, art and man's relation to the world around him. Pick it up at your local library and when you're done, check out Ian Hornsby's thesis, On Quality. Hornsby offers an insightful and critical discussion of Pirsig's 'metaphysics of Quality'.

The art of making mixtapes is large part of both music geek and hip-hop culture. The liner notes from Peanut Butter Wolf's Badmeaninggood mix are a great example of the level of detail and love of music that goes into the making of a quality mix.

This is what the Internet looks like: WebCollage is a program that creates collages out of random images found on the Web. More images are being added to the collage about once a minute, so this page will reload itself periodically. Clicking on one of the images in the collage will take you to the page on which it was found.


Why can't I get my blogger archives to work properly?!? I've tried all the standard tricks but they no longer work. I think it's time for a site re-design and a move over to Moveable Type.



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