Stung Eye
Stung Eye

« [Feb 24] Than Who?
Stick it to the man

A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood? [Feb 27] »

The rumour of the day is that the word 'boredom' did not exist until around 1750. Today, however, it seems like being bored is part of North American culture. It also seems like no one is willing to admit that the source of their boredom comes from within. I ran across an interesting article on boredom today. The article mentions that today's "society is so saturated with movies, TV, video games and advertising that people are losing their sense of wonder" and that "we developed a tolerance to amazing events". That's pretty depressing stuff.

Here's some art to kick start your sense of wonder: Dan Witz' Amazing Street Art, Gottfried Helnwein's paintings and photographs, Justin Shady's photographs, and Dave Corsland & Debbie's drawings and paintings.

File this under "I'm glad I don't live in the US": US federal authorities charged 55 people with trafficking drug paraphernalia over the internet. Attorney General John Ashcroft called this "a great victory for the DEA" and John Walters, the White House drug czar was quoted as saying that "this [was] a devastating blow to the drug paraphernalia business". Do they really believe that busting a few internet water bong distributors is going to decrease the amount of illegal drugs consumed in the US this year?

I've got to get my hands on one of these.



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