Stung Eye
Stung Eye

« [Jan 2] 1825
Real Axe

Digital Muse [Jan 7] »

What a relaxing weekend! A bit of chill'n... a bit of cross country skiing... and a whole lot of sleeping...

Do you miss the Sesame Street of the late 70s and early 80s? Think Elmo should take a hike? Wonder why they stop playing the funky pinball counting song? You're not alone.

Otis Fodder is posting 365 mp3s on his site this year. A new song will appear every day. "Listeners of the incredibly strange and outsider realm take note, for this is the majority of material that will be made available. Obscure and out-of-print recordings will be the primary focus, although once in a while there may be a change."

A Reader's Manifesto - An attack on the growing pretentiousness of American literary prose, written by B. R. Myers.

You could do this too if you locked yourself in a room long enough.

Almost Cool has a reader contributed top albums of 2002 section... check out all the good music you slept on this year.



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