Stung Eye
Stung Eye

« [Nov 21] Winter Brings Darkness
Green Wednesday

Label This [Dec 1] »

The song of the week (No Longer Online) is Flunk's cover of Blue Monday. (Check the video here.)

Serialtext: 5 novels, 5 days a week. Serialtext brings you a new chapter of a new novel every day of the week, featuring some of the best authors found online and offline.

Spontaneous Prose.

A list of webpages with interesting/novel design concepts.

The car is in the shop and it supposedly needs $500 dollars worth of repairs, (plus labour!). Being able to brake is fairly important to me... so I think we will go ahead with "da fix'n". I just wish I knew a bit more about the inner works of cars. I hate feeling so clueless when talking to the mechanic.

Scratch is playing at the Cinematheque from Decemeber 7th until the 12th. I should really keep up with the Cinematheque scheduel. I missed Secretary and Thirteen Conversations About One Thing this month.

I love the fact that the Hayden album Moving Carful devotes twice as much time to the sound of rain falling/water dripping than it does to music.



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