ChipIn - Crowdsourced Funding with MintChip


Announcing ChipIn, a crowdsourcing tool created by Kyle Geske and Andrew Burton for the MintChip Challenge.

ChipIn allows creators (musicians, artists, writers) and charities to collect MintChip donations from their fans and supporters on the web.

All you need to start collection donations is:

  • A webserver with (S)FTP access.
  • Support for PHP scripts on this server.
  • A webpage on this server where you can request your donations.
  • A MintChip.

Donations are saved directly to your server, where you can retrieve them with our admin tool. There is no middle man.

Live Donation Demonstration

If you have a MintChip you can submit a test donation here.

Admin Dashboard

MintChip users can demo the admin dashboard to see the embed code for the above demo and the donation history.

u: stungeye p: password

Donation Demonstration Video

You can also watch a video of the donation process:

Admin Dashboard & Accepting Donations Video

The admin dashboard allows you to accept your donations and view past donations.

Full Installation Walkthrough

The entire system can be installed on your webserver in under 5 minutes.