Hurray for Arrays

In which Hippolyte and Chubbs order a pizza.

Hey Chubbs, would you fancy some pizza?

I've placed my favourite toppings in this array. You may use print_r to peruse the order before I call it in.
    $pizza = ['cheese','sauce','green peppers','onions','anchovies'];

Array ( [0] => cheese [1] => sauce [2] => green peppers [3] => onions [4] => anchovies )
My dear Hippolyte, you know very well that I do not care for anchovies.

I will pop them from the array, adding chunky bacon in their stead.
    $pizza[] = 'chunky bacon';

Array ( [0] => cheese [1] => sauce [2] => green peppers [3] => onions [4] => chunky bacon )
Gentlemen, I come bearing wine.

Allow me to add a second pizza. I'll place both pizzas in a new order array.
    $order = [$pizza,
              ['feta cheese',
               'extra sauce',
Holy white-space Batman! What a magnanimous way to format an array.
Magnanimous indeed, Robin. I'll call in the order posthaste.

Then we shall drink wine and be merry.

Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => cheese [1] => sauce [2] => green peppers [3] => onions [4] => chunky bacon ) [1] => Array ( [0] => feta cheese [1] => extra sauce [2] => pepperoni [3] => olives ) )